Happy Fall, Y’all! Along with the season changing into Autumn, so does the leadership of Pull-Tight Players. As I step up to the role of President of Pull-Tight Players’ Board of Directors, I look with enormous appreciation at the wonderful support that our patrons and volunteers continue to give our theatre.
Unfortunately, the decision to cancel the performance of The Real Inspector Hound was a difficult one based on current pandemic conditions and considerations for the safety of our audiences. All patrons who previously purchased tickets for this show have been contacted with regards to their options. However, if you need additional information regarding your cancelled tickets, please email our Box Office at tickets@pull-tight.com.
In case you missed it, due to unforeseen circumstances and out of an abundance of caution for the current COVID-19 situation, the Pull-Tight Board of Directors has postponed the production of The Curious Savage from its original December 2021 schedule to a future season. Our 2019-2020 season ticket holders who previously had tickets for this show will receive future contact regarding their options. We hope to return to our mainstage season with Crimes of the Heart in February 2022.
In the meantime, the Board of Directors was hard at work tidying our little theater! It sure got dusty after many months of minimal occupancy, so we decided to give it a bit of shine to keep it glowing! And with a cleanout of our stored concessions, we learned that unopened Diet Coke does go bad after 17 months.
Be on the lookout for details for our Annual Fall Membership Meeting on Sunday, October 24. I hope to see you then!
Carmela Hofstee, President
Pull-Tight Players, Inc. Board of Directors