Pull-Tight is unique among area community theatres in having a Voting Membership that participates in electing our Board of Directors. The Board provides leadership and steers the direction of the theatre, from selecting the season of shows to all financial and policy decisions. Each season, Voting Members also elect a Player of the Year and a new member of Pull-Tight’s Hall of Fame.
This process is so important to us that language about voting membership constitutes Article I of the Bylaws for Pull-Tight Players, Inc. as follows:
Section I: Voting Membership
Voting members shall be persons 16 years of age or older who have met the following requirements as of or subsequent to the immediately preceding annual meeting, except that in order to qualify for voting rights at the annual meeting the following requirements must have been met subsequent to the immediately preceding annual meeting:
a) be a current Board Member; or
b) be a Youth Guild Advisor; or
c) have accomplished one or more of the following:
i) Served as a director or producer of any production, to include main stage and Youth Guild productions, as well as fund-raisers;
ii) Participated in two productions in any unpaid capacity of cast, production personnel, or door worker, to include main stage and Youth Guild productions, as well as fund-raisers;
iii) Served in any capacity on a standing committee as designated by the President.
We invite all Pull-Tight volunteers to work toward maintaining Voting Membership status in each season to be able to vote in our yearly elections.