It’s hard to believe we are about to begin our 54th season at Pull-Tight. These past few years have been very difficult for the world, quite frankly, and we are so grateful to everyone who helped us stay on track, from the Board of Directors to our committee members, our volunteers, and of course our dedicated patrons. It was certainly all of us pulling together as a community that helped us weather the storm.
I hope you all got to see our last production of Neil Simon’s The Odd Couple. It was such a fun experience, and we thank JK Gregg and her very talented cast and crew for delighting us all! Click HERE to enjoy photos from the show.
In addition, kudos to Leslie Berra and Jeanne Drone, co-chairs of this year’s Knot Awards Banquet. It was quite simply a ball! Thank you again to all the entertainers, presenters, and volunteers who helped make the evening a resounding success! Click HERE for a recap of our fun evening and to see this year’s award winners.
Next up is The Play that Goes Wrong. It will be as much fun as its sounds! Sarah Kieffner and her cast and crew are hard at work to bring us this incredibly funny show. The Box Office opens on July 18 and the show opens on July 29.
Again, we are so grateful to live in the community we do and to enjoy such enormous support from you all. See you at the theater!
Lynda Gibbs, President
Pull-Tight Players Board of Directors