Love is in the air with Crimes of the Heart at Pull-Tight!

It’s an exciting month for Pull-Tight Players as we finally re-open with in-person performances at our little theater and our production of Crimes of the Heart. This play is not to be missed, with an outstanding cast that has been beautifully directed by our long-time Pull-Tight Player, Cindy Davis Massey. Her vision has come alive with the amazing talents of Joey Echeverria, Nathan Fink, Bre Hall, Rachel Humphrey, Breanna Theobald, and Nicole Turner, along with understudy Dan Kassis.
The show opens Friday, February 4th at 7 p.m. There are 11 other performances for you to grab a ticket and join us for this entertaining and emotional story about a small-town family and their Crimes of the Heart.

Auditions are coming up for our next production, and it’s a “yeehaw” with an aria!
You may have heard of a rock opera, but this musical does a 180 to bring you… a country opera?!? Well, sorta.
Audition Dates are Monday, February 7 and Tuesday, February 8 at 6 p.m. at Pull-Tight Theater.
The Pull-Tight Players Board of Directors requires that all cast and crew involved with our production of Madame Buttermilk must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Bring your vaccination card to auditions. A board member will check your card against your photo ID as you check in. Mobile phone photos of your vaccination card will be accepted. Also be prepared to remain masked when not actively auditioning.
Junior Youth Actors Guild (JYAG) and Teen Youth Actors Guild (YAG)
In case you missed it, Pull-Tight has decided to suspend all Youth Actors Guild (YAG) and Junior Youth Actors Guild (JYAG) activities for the remainder of this season. Teen YAG will resume on August 6, and JYAG will follow on August 20, 2022. Be sure to check our website and follow our Facebook page for updates about future workshops and master classes. We look forward to welcoming back our budding young thespians next season!

The Board of Directors is very grateful for all the support from our patrons, volunteers, and sponsors as we finally move forward into a season of live theater. We are thrilled to bring back live theater to our stage and hope to see you at Pull-Tight soon.
Carmela Hofstee, President
Pull-Tight Players Board of Directors