This November 28, Pull-Tight Players will participate in GivingTuesday, a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.
You can partner with Pull-Tight on GivingTuesday to help us make much-needed improvements to our technology and help us cover the costs of a new youth program. This spring, we will present a full-length musical, We Will Rock You, featuring kids aged 6 to 18. This free program will begin with auditions in February. Donations will cover the myriad costs associated with producing a large cast musical, such as licensing, royalties, costumes, sets, props, insurance and custodial fees.
With your help we will be able to provide this much-needed free program to youth in Franklin and surrounding areas. Most theater programs for kids are tuition-based, but we believe it is important to offer something that allows all kids to participate without any financial burden.
Donate using the link below, or via one of our many upcoming #GivingTuesday social media posts on Facebook and Instagram. Follow those accounts so you don’t miss any updates.
You may also mail a check to:
Pull-Tight Players
PO Box 682609
Franklin TN 37068-2609
Indicate GivingTuesday in the memo line on your check.
We will continue this campaign through the end of the year. Thank you in advance for your consideration and continued support of Pull-Tight Players.
More information
What technological updates are still needed at Pull-Tight?
Thanks to everyone’s generosity last year we have made many major improvements to our sound and lighting. We are still in need of a special ladder to help keep our volunteers safe when hanging lights and building sets. This important item costs $1,500.
How will my donation be recognized?
All donors will be recognized online, in social media and our website. Donors who give $50 or more will be recognized in our program for the remainder of the 2023-2024 season (three shows) and online. Donors who give $250 or more will also be recognized on a plaque displayed in our lobby. You may also request that your donation remains anonymous.
Are my donations tax deductible?
Yes, Pull-Tight is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, so your donation is 100-percent tax-deductible. You will receive an email from ArtsPeople that will serve as your tax receipt. We will also issue a tax receipt upon request.
How else can I help Pull-Tight on GivingTuesday?
Share Pull-Tight’s fundraising link and our GivingTuesday social media posts. You can use the hashtag #GivingTuesday, and tag Pull-Tight Players in your posts. The more we get the word out, the more potential donors we’ll reach. You can also text and email your friends with our giving link.