Pull-Tight’s Board of Directors regretfully announces the resignation of President Lenny West. Vice-President Carmela Hofstee has stepped up to the role of President effective August 30, 2021.
Lenny provides the following statement:
“While I was truly honored, humbled, and beyond thrilled to be elected to serve as Pull-Tight’s President, it has become increasingly clear to me that perhaps I am not the best possible leader for the Board of Directors at this time. I plan to continue serving this great organization in any ways that I am able. I wish my dear friend Carmela nothing but the greatest success in her new role, and the Board the same in meeting these challenging times and the needs of our patrons and artist membership in ways that allow us to remain intact and thrive.”
During his tenure as President, Lenny spearheaded the herculean task of moving out of our costume storage space to a much, much smaller one, including sorting through a mountain of costumes, making difficult decisions, and organizing the costume yard sale, an event that helped clear out the inventory, raised money for the theatre, and brought a lot of new faces into our space.
Stay tuned for the first President’s Blog from Carmela as she begins her term as Pull-Tight President, and join us in wishing her “break a leg” and our thanks for taking on this role during what continues to be a difficult time.