Here we are with Spring upon us, hopefully with the freezing temperatures long gone. Franklin is a beautiful city no matter the season, but trees and flowers in bloom make for an especially heartening sight.
I hope you were able to join us for our last production, The Book of Will. It was an incredibly well-crafted show that engaged the audience in ways that were both unexpected and rewarding. Kudos to Director Lenny West and his dedicated cast and crew for such a fabulous show experience.

Next up is the British farce by Ray Cooney, Funny Money. I was at rehearsal the other night, and it is laugh-out-loud funny! Director Johnny Peppers and his hardworking cast and crew look forward to entertaining all of you with their fast-paced chaos, and you will not want to miss the fun!
As many of you know, we have announced our 2023-2024 season. In case you missed it, it is as follows. See more information about each show.

Be on the lookout for the opportunity to roll over your season tickets, coming soon!
One of my many privileges as President of the Board of Directors is that I get to say thank you a lot! Thank you to my incredibly committed Board members; to our very hard-working artist members, many of whom work behind the scenes and have done so year after year; and to our unbelievably loyal patrons and the amazingly supportive community in which we live.
See you at the theatre!
Lynda Gibbs
President, Pull-Tight Board of Directors