Directed by Pat Street
Produced by Lynda Gibbs
The Narrator (El Gallo): Jeremy Hargis
The Girl (Luisa): Jacqueline Leach
The Boy (Matt): Lucas Beckett
The Boy’s Father (Hucklebee): Mark Buchanan
The Girl’s Father (Bellomy): Howard Snyder
The Actor (Henry): Dan Zeigler
The Man Who Dies (Mortimer): Clay Walker
The Mute: JK Gregg
Director: Pat Street
Producer: Lynda Gibbs
Stage Manager: Jeanne Drone
Musical Director: Kyle Rybczyk
Choreographers: Becky Leopard, Christina Sartell
Keyboards/Band Leader: Dann Childers
Second Keyboards: Dustin Greenleaf
Production Assistant/Stage Hand: Emily Hawarah
Set Design: Jacob Street
Set Construction Chief: Johnny Peppers
Set Construction Assistants: BJ Rowell, Patrick Waller, Jason Sumner
Costume Coordinator: Anne Rittenberry
Costume Assistant: Clay Walker
Props: Clay Walker
Lighting Design: Ryan Daniel
Light Execution: Carol Brown
Sound Execution/Spotlight Operator: Ruth Childers
Spotlight Operator: Kathryn Johnson
Program: Becky Leopard
Show Graphics & Billboard: Terri Merrill
Photography/Lobby Display: Jeanne Drone
Door/Concessions Coordinator: Pat & Steve Evans
House Manager: Iain Macpherson
Executive Producer: Jeremy Hargis