Dear Pull-Tight Members,
As we turn the corner on the mid-point of the calendar, we prepare for another full season of entertainment at the theatre. Last week we celebrated Pull-Tight’s 46th season at the annual Knot Awards Banquet. It was a fun night of music, food and fellowship. Congratulations to all the individual award winners, to Pull-Tight’s Player of the Year, Jeremy Hargis, and our newest Hall of Fame member, JK Gregg. All were deserving winners!
Now it’s on to our 47th season. Director Kyle Rybzyck and his cast and crew have been hard at work preparing Into the Woods for opening night on August 7. Tickets are on sale now. Don’t miss out on this Stephen Sondheim classic! Auditions for our second show of the season, The Foreigner, will be held at the end of August.
Let me finish my inaugural message with a tip of the hat to my predecessor, Justin McIntosh. His two years of service as president of the Pull-Tight Board has left me with a tough row to hoe. I feel as though I’m up to the task, but he’s left me some big shoes to fill. Justin dedicated himself to the betterment of Pull-Tight and community theatre in general, and for that we are all grateful. I am delighted to take over as the Board president and look forward to a 47th entertaining and successful season of live theatre. Come join us!
Ron Geagan
2015-16 Season President